White asparagus and strawberry soup

Fancy White Asparagus and Strawberry Soup

White Asparagus is a vegetable that tastes extraordinary in the late spring and early summer months! In almost every German restaurant, you will find variations of dishes that contain asparagus. On the menus, you can find classic asparagus dishes like white asparagus with cooked potatoes, ham and sauce hollandaise, white asparagus soup or white asparagus and strawberry salad. The recipe I am sharing with you today is rare and, for that reason, exceptional: White asparagus and strawberry soup.

You will need White Asparagus Soup as a base to make white asparagus and strawberry soup. If you are wondering how to make it, please visit this post

White asparagus and strawberry soup

White Asparagus & Strawberry Soup

Are you wondering how to make your white asparagus soup more fancy?! Here is how!
Prep Time 5 minutes
Course Starter
Cuisine German
  • 200 g strawberries fresh
  • 3 l classic white asparagus soup
  • Wash you stawberries and blend them.
  • Use the strainer to remove the strawberry seeds.
  • Add 100g of strawberry puree to your soup, stir it and try it. The challenge here is to make sure that you can taste both ingridients.
  • Using spoon add little by little the rest of strawberries, each time tasting if the soup still taste like white sparagus strawberry soup! The strawberries are much stronger in taste, you don't want to add too much of them, otherwise it would turn to strawberry soup!
  • If your strawberries were more on the sour side you might add sugar to balance the sourness.
  • Serve warm! Keep the soup up to 3 days in the fridge or freeze it!

In March 2019, I went on a cruise in the Persian Gulf with my husband. The goal of this trip was to discover Middle Eastern cuisine and purchase some spices that are typical for this region. Our cruise ship had a wide range of culinary specialities to offer. Gourmet Restaurant Rossini was one of the restaurants we craved to dine in. On this evening, we booked a table. The restaurant prepared a special 5-course dinner, and white asparagus and strawberry soup were a part of it. 

White asparagus and strawberry soup

We were curious how the soup would turn out, as we had never eaten something similar. Usually, we tend to go for those classic dishes; they are always delicious and, after all! You can only enjoy them at this time of the year. We were astonished at how delightful the taste of this dish was. The soup had a silky consistency and light pink colour. As soon as we tried it, we knew that we would have to try to make it when we were back home.

Combination of White Asparagus and Strawberry

Once the white asparagus and the strawberry season started in Germany, we bought the necessary ingredients, and I tried to cook it. As a base, we made the classic white asparagus soup. I pureed the strawberries and removed the seeds to smooth the whole thing. Soon after, I added the puree to the soup spoon by spoon to determine the proper white asparagus soup and strawberry ratio. Although this task might seem simple, I struggled. The first time I prepared this soup, I added so much strawberry puree that we couldn’t taste white asparagus. It’s because I like strawberry so much! At this point, I knew immediately that I would need to be extra careful next time if I didn’t want to kill the delicate taste of white asparagus.

The second time I tried making this soup, the dish turned out much better. I still think that the taste of the soup depends on how sweet your base white asparagus soup (we are using wine and sugar to make it) is and how the strawberries are. Therefore, I suggest adding the strawberry puree spoon by spoon and tasting it each time. I found the white asparagus and strawberry ratio most applicable to my taste. You will find the recipe below.

Spring is here - Seasonal Food Inspiration

If you are a fan of cooking, either traditional or seasonal, please go ahead and read my other favourite recipes for this season: Wild Garlic Soup & White Asparagus Salad with Ham if you wonder how to prepare classic German White Asparagus Soup to watch the video recipe: 2 ways to cook white asparagus.

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Marta Kieser is a food guide and blogger who lives in Frankfurt with her husband and 1-year-old son. Apart from food guiding, she loves cooking, having guests over, swimming, hiking, and running.