Nord German Potato Salad

Nord German Potato Salad

Today I would like to share with you the most delicious Nord German potato salad recipe. This particular potato salad from the North of Germany is made with mayo dressing. If you are looking for potato salad with oil & vinegar, please check out Traditional Swabian Potato Salad or Traditional Bavarian Potato Salad recipe. The

Traditional German Turnip Recipe – Delicious Kohlrabi in Cream Sauce

Traditional Kohlarbi Recipes - Kohlrabi in Cream Sauce

I want to share the Traditional German Turnip (Kohlrabi) recipe with you today. Follow along to learn how to peel and cook the famous German Turnip and make the cream sauce to serve it with! Jump to Recipe Why should you try this recipe? Kohlrabi is very nutritious; it contains vitamins C and B and

Traditional Bavarian Potato Salad

Bavarian Potato Salad

In this recipe, I will show you step-by-step how to make traditional Bavarian potato salad. There are plenty of German potato recipes out there, but the most important thing to remember is that we divide them into two main categories: German potato salads with mayo and German potato salad without mayo, so with oil and